CodeIgniter 4 Training for Beginner
Kementerian Dalam Negeri

Tag: Codeigniter 4 Training

Training Date : 26 -  30 September 2022

Location: Kementerian Dalam Negeri, Putrajaya

Introduction :

CodeIgniter is an Application Development Framework - a toolkit - for people who build websites using PHP. Its goal is to enable you to develop projects much faster than you could if you were writing code from scratch, by providing a rich set of libraries for commonly needed tasks, as well as a simple interface and logical structure to access these libraries. CodeIgniter lets you creatively focus on your project by minimizing the amount of code needed for a given task.

This course is designed for students with knowledge of the previous Codeigniter version (version 3,2,1). Those who are new to Codeigniter are welcome to join but must expect a challenging journey in order to grasp the whole content of the training.

Tools that will be used in this class are as follows:-

  • Laragon (PHP, Apache, MySQL)
  • Visual Studio Code
  • Windows 10 / 11
  • SQL Yog
  • Terminal / Command Line

Each student should have the following minimum PC / Notebook specification recommendation:

  • Window 10 with 8 GB RAM
  • 45 GB Free Storage