Vuejs Beginner (P1000)


Vuejs is a progressive framework for building user interfaces. Unlike other monolithic frameworks, Vue is designed from the ground up to be incrementally adoptable. The core library is focused on the view layer only, and is easy to pick up and integrate with other libraries or existing projects
Take your HTML, CSS & Javascript skills to the next level by learning one of the hottest Javascript frameworks available today, Vue.js!

What you will learn in this course:

  • Vuejs installation and environment setup
  • Creating template
  • Creating component
  • Component interaction
  • Component composition
  • Various sample application
  • Build to production


Course Duration : 3 days

Module 1.0 : Introduction & Getting Started

  1.1  Welcome
  1.2. What is Vue & why should I learn it?
  1.3. Visual Studio installation

Module 2.0 : Vue Basics: Guest List 

  2.1   Module intro
  2.2   Download project starter
  2.3   Installing Vue.js
  2.4   The Vue instance & the data object
  2.5   Templates & the virtual DOM
  2.6   Two way data binding with v-model
  2.7   Event handling & methods
  2.8   List rendering
  2.9   Conditional rendering in Vue
  2.10  Binding attributes to elements
  2.11  Binding styles
  2.12  Vue shorthand syntax
  2.13  Outputting text & HTML
  2.14  V-if vs v-show
  2.15  Using Javascript expressions

Module 3.0 : A deeper look at Vue: Guest list app

   3.1    Module intro
   3.2    Adding a progress bar
   3.3    Computed properties
   3.4    Watchers
   3.5    Key events and modifiers
   3.6    Filters
   3.7    More on looping: keys & index numbers
   3.8    Using multiple Vue instances
   3.9    Looping with objects
   3.10   Adding our navigation links & keys
   3.11   Accessing vue instances externally
   3.12  Vue instance properties & methods
   3.13  Referencing elements with ref
   3.14  Using string templates
   3.15  The Vue lifecycle
   3.16  Vue lifecycle hooks in action

Module 4.0 : Build Tools & Workflow: Creative Cards App

 4.1   Module intro
 4.2   Installing Node & NPM
 4.3   Scaffolding projects with the vue-cli
 4.4   Exploring our project layout & build tools
 4.5   Using the data object with single file templates

Module 5.0 : Introduction to Components: Creative Cards App

 5.1   Module intro
 5.2   What are components?
 5.3   Registering global components
 5.4   Registering local components
 5.5   Creating single file components
 5.6   Adding the card front component
 5.7   Emit data to parent components
 5.8   Dynamic components
 5.9   Creating the additional card components
 5.10  Creating the text input component
 5.11  Receiving data from the text input
 5.12  Creating the text output component
 5.13  Passing data with props
 5.14  Keeping components alive
 5.15  Scoping CSS styles
 5.16  Prop validation
 5.17  Passing prop data to a style object
 5.18  Introduction to slots
 5.19  Slot scope & fallback content
 5.20  Named slots

Module 6.0 : Components Continued & Firebase Storage: Creative Cards App

 6.1    Module intro
 6.2    Setting up Firebase
 6.3    Creating the Image Upload component
 6.4    Uploading images to Firebase
 6.5    Image preview thumbnail
 6.6    Upload progress bar & $emit file data
 6.7    Image Output component
 6.8.   Downloading images from Firebase
 6.9    Set image button
 6.10  Text options menu: font sizes
 6.11  Text options menu: text alignment
 6.12  Text options menu: font style & weight
 6.13  Remove image button
 6.14  Passing data with callbacks
 6.15  Making images draggable
 6.16  Finishing the CardInsideLeft component
 6.17  Finishing the CardInsideRight component
 6.18  Finishing the CardBack component
 6.19  Introduction to the event bus
 6.20  Sending events to the event bus
 6.21  Receiving events from the event bus
 6.22  Adding mixins

Module 7.0 : Transitions & Animations

 7.1    Module intro
 7.2    Transition classes
 7.3    Adding CSS transitions
 7.4    Adding CSS animations
 7.5    Component transitions & transition modes
 7.6    Javascript hooks introduction
 7.7    Javascript hooks in action
 7.8    Mixing animations & transitions
 7.9    Custom transition classes
 7.10  Initial render transitions
 7.11   Element transitions & keys
 7.12  Group transitions
 7.13  V-move class & dynamic transition names