Java Bahagian 1 (P1003)


Java is a simple language because its syntax is simple, clean, and easy to understand. Object-Oriented: In Java, everything is in the form of the object. It means it has some data and behavior. A program must have at least one class and object.


What You will  Learn

This course is the first part of a three-part series. It's your first step towards a career in web or mobile app development. This part covers:

  • Fundamentals of programming
  • Variables and types
  • Control flow (conditional statements, loop, etc)
  • Clean coding and refactoring
  • Debugging Java applications 

Course Duration : 3 days


1.0  Introduction

1.1   Installing Java
1.2   Anatomy of a Java Program 
1.3   Your First Java Program
1.4   Cheat Sheet
1.5   How Java Code Gets Executed 
1.6   Course Structure

2.0  Types

2.1     Variables
2.2     Primitive Types
2.3     Reference Types
2.4     Primitive Types vs Reference Types
2.5     Strings
2.6     Escape Sequences 
2.7     Array
2.8     Multi-Dimensional Arrays 
2.9     Constants
2.10   Arithmetic Expressions
2.11   Order of Operations
2.12  Casting
2.13  Types Summary


3.0  Control Flow 

3.1   Comparison Operators
3.2   Logical Operators
3.3   If Statements
3.4   implifying If Statements
3.5   The Ternary Operator
3.6   Switch Statements
3.7   Exercise: FizzBuzz
3.8   For Loops
3.9   While Loops
3.10  Do...While Loops
3.11  Break and Continue
3.12  For-Each Loop
3.13  Project: Mortgage Calculator
3.14  Control Flow Summary
3.15  Clean Coding

4.0  Input and Output

4.1  The Math Class 
4.2  Formatting Numbers 
4.3  Reading Input
4.4  Project: Mortgage Calculator
4.5  Solution: Mortgage Calculator
4.6  Solution: Mortgage Calculator